A baby monitor is a wonderful piece of modern technology. It is very easy to operate the device. You just set up a camera in the infants room, the camera records the baby, whether sleeping or awake, using a standard video recorder.The monitor transmitter then send a signal to a receiver.The signal can be send with a cable or with wireless signal.You can the observe the baby on a stationary monitor or a hand held monitor.The hand held models works with rechargeable batteries.
If you live in smaller home a simple monitor set is more than sufficient. Larger homes will most likely require more complex systems especially if your house has multiple levels.The baby monitors these days are technologically a lot more advanced than the ones people use to use in the eighties. Some baby monitors will even play lullaby`s to your baby if program it to do it.
There are few different types of baby monitors.Here is a list of the types of baby monitors:
Audio monitors: As the name says, this type of baby monitor only make use of audio. You can listen in on your baby using a receiver and transmitter.This is the most basic type of baby monitor. You do however get 2-way systems, where the baby can also hear the parents on the other side.
Audio/Video monitor combination: These monitors make use of both video and audio. They have a baby cam that is placed in the infant`s room which is usually plugged into the plug socket. Then you have the monitor receiver which is a TV type monitor or a portable monitor that you can carry with you. You even get baby monitors with infra red cameras which enables you to observe the child during the night.
Breathing Audio monitors: The baby breathing monitor is capable of detecting if the baby stops breathing.You usually have a sensor that is placed underneath the mattress. The sensor then detects the baby`s breathing and if the baby`s breathing stops for about 20 seconds it will sound an alarm alerting the parents that there might be something wrong with the child.Baby breathing monitors are very important to use when there is a premature baby as the are very likely to stop breathing.
Other than the baby monitors listed above, you get more combinations of the above monitors. One example is a baby breathing monitor with video capabilities.
Here is a list of special features of baby monitors:
- Baby monitors with a sound activated bar.This shows the parents the amount of noise pollution in the child`s room.
- There are advanced baby monitoring systems equipped with top of the line infra red cameras which enables the parents too look at the baby in even the darkest room.
- Monitors with lithium ion batteries which results in turn means longer operation between recharge cycles.
- Newer models of baby monitors are able to work both ways.Meaning that the baby can also listen to the mothers soothing voice.
- Baby monitors that gives off a light alarm.This is ideal when the mother is busy watching television or busy with the vacuum cleaner.This allows the mother to see a light flashing on the monitor when she is not able to hear the normal alarm.
- There are specialized video monitors that can help to view the baby on screen with all his different gestures. These specialized monitors also help monitor the temperature in the baby's room.
How to select the right baby monitor for your baby:
- First of all,you should choose if you would like a one way system or a two way system.
- If you would like a baby monitor with video capabilities.Some parents prefer to also look at their babies while they are in another room.
- Most parents prefer to have portable baby monitors as this allows the parent a lot more freedom.You can easily clip it to you pants and do work around the house without any troubles.
- Durability.This is very important.You do not want a monitor that could fail you at a critical moment.That is why it is better to buy a well known brand where you know that you will get quality for your money.
- It is better to choose a baby monitor that is not affected by any interference.
- Long battery life is always a huge plus and if they are rechargeable then it is even better.
- Some monitors also have lights that flicker when the alarms goes off.This allows the parents to have a visual alarm when they might not be able to hear the audio alarm.
- Newer models of baby monitors have double monitors and you can also add additional monitors if you want.This is ideal if you live in a large home.Some of the newer models now have double receivers.
Here are some tips when using your baby monitor:
- Always check your batteries and the electrical cord of the monitor.This will decrease the chances of you monitor malfunctioning.
- Do not put any thick blankets,pillows,stuffed toys, etcetera close to the baby`s crib as this could interfere with the baby monitor.Meaning that you will not be able to hear your baby properly.
- Place your monitor as close to the infant`s crib as you can.This will allow you to pick up even the slightest sound coming from your child
- A baby monitor is an electric device. It should not be used around water to reduce the risk of electrocution.
- Never allow your child to play with the monitor,this is highly dangerous.
A baby monitor is quite a versatile device.You could use it even for older children.A baby monitor is a great help for any parent especially new parents.
How much does a baby monitor cost?
A baby monitor can cost anywhere from $ 40 to $ 90 for audio models.The video monitors will cost a bit more but they average around $160.It all really depends on what features you want your monitor to have and what you can afford. A monitor is no substitute for personal supervision by the parent. An infant waking in the middle of the night cries because he or she needs to be fed or changed. Always make sure that the baby is reached within a few seconds and comforted. Nothing in the world can be more reassuring for a baby than the mother's hug.